Friday, September 5, 2008

# 49: Giving The Drowning Man an Anvil

What is it that the homosexual person needs most from Christians right now?

Our society is on a trend toward indulgence and meaninglessness. Hedonism is one of our unofficial religions.
The homosexual community, in particular that segment represented by the Gay and Lesbian Mardis Gras, is at the decadent edge of this trend.

So Christians who are struggling with homosexuality, and homosexuals who are struggling with Christianity are being told by the world things like:

* Homosexuality is normal.
* Sexual indulgence is the key to happiness.
* Sex is the only thing that matters.
* No one can tell you what to do.
* Your feelings are the best guide to moral truth.

The Bible tells us plainly, again and again that homosexual behaviour is a sin.
The Bible tells us people who continue to practice homosexuality will come under God's judgement.

So what is it that we really need to tell the struggling person?


It's OK?

Giving a blanket sorry to the homosexual community is as helpful to the struggling Christian as giving an anvil to a drowning man.

For the love of God, haven't we got anything to throw him that will help lift him out of the mess?

If you throw a drowing man a stick or a branch, sure it might sting a bit if it hits him hard, but it's what he needs to climb out of the quicksand.

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