Thursday, August 14, 2008

#11: A Couple of Words

A couple of words would have made all the difference in the 100 revs statement.

If they had put in a couple of phrases like:

struggling with,
repenting from.

Their statement would have been fine if they could have said something like:

As ministers of various churches and denominations we recognise that the churches we belong to, and the church in general, have not been places of welcome for people struggling with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) issues.

Indeed the church has often been profoundly unloving toward former members of the GLBT community.

You see, I'm not saying the church doesn't have any rednecks in it. I'm not saying the church has always been sensitive on this issue. And I do want the church to welcome people who struggle with homosexuality (much as it welcomes gossips, adulterers and thieves who are genuinely struggling toward godliness).

But as long as people remain committed to a homosexual lifestyle, or remain part of a homosexual community, or insist on calling evil good, then what has the church to offer but correction.

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