Monday, August 11, 2008

# 7: Why So Discriminatory

I want to ask the 100 revs why they are so discriminatory?

Why they are so hard hearted as to exclude others from Christian fellowship. To welcome some and exclude others is a great crime. Where is the real apology.

A real apology would not be so exclusive

This is how their apology should read:

As ministers of various churches and denominations we recognise that the churches we belong to, and the church in general, have not been places of welcome for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, male prostitute, adulterous, polygamist, animist, pagan, promiscuous, prostitute and porn star (GLBTMPAPAPFPPS) people. Indeed the church has often been profoundly unloving toward the GLBTMPAPAPFPPS community. For these things we apologise, whatever the distinctive of our Christian position on human sexuality – to which we remain committed. We are deeply sorry and ask for the forgiveness of the GLBTMPAPAPFPPS community. We long that the church would be a place of welcome for all people and commit ourselves to pursuing this goal.

We ARE a group of Christian ministers who voluntarily and individually bring this apology.

We ARE NOT official representatives of our churches or denominations.

We ARE NOT making a statement on the biblical position on gay and lesbian, male prostitute, adulterous, idolatrous or sexually immoral relationships.

We ARE recognising the lack of hospitality, care and welcome that the churches have offered the gay and lesbian, male prostitute, adulterous, idolatrous and sexually immoral community.

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