Monday, August 11, 2008

Number 4: The Claytons Reassurance

The Claytons reassurance is the reassurance you give when you're not giving any reassurance.

The 100 revs state:

We ARE NOT making a statement on the biblical position on gay and lesbian relationships.

Sorry, but you are.

I guess that part of the statement is meant to reassure conservative reactionaries like myself. But it doesn't work because no amount of winking and grinning can make the 100 revs statement kosher.

Anything a Christian knowingly, intentionally does reflects their position on the Bible. It shows their interpretation and understanding of the Bible. When a divorced person seeks to enter ministry, it reveals a particular understanding (or neglect) of Matthew 19 and 1 Timothy 3:2,12. When person stands there in church without singing it reveals a particular understanding (or misunderstanding) of Ephesians 5.

The 100 hot heads reveal a particular position on the Bible's teaching on homosexuality. You cannot talk about something the Bible talks about so comprehensively without revealing your position on what the Bible says. The apology statement is not an interpretation free statement, but is founded on understandings of homosexuality and the Bible and endorses positions on homosexuality. Attitudes to homosexuality that are at odds with the Bible.

Acknowledging and using the nice neat acronym, GLBT, a self designation of homosexual and other peoples is buying into their understanding.

It is clear that the 100 revs have (intentionally or otherwise, knowingly or otherwise) bought into the notion that being gay is not a choice, "I was born that way". This is a position that comes from the gay lobby and not from reading the Bible. Neither is it supported by scientific evidence.

100 revs, you are making a statement on the place of the Bible in your theology and practice what you say is that it doesn't matter what the Bible says. I'll ignore it or find a way around it, and I will encourage others to as well.

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