Tuesday, August 12, 2008

# 8: Adam, Steve, Charli and Lola

You can just hear the old time fundamentalist preacher thundering out,

"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."

Simplistic, we think. Rhetorical nonsense. Dramatic posturing with no substance.

But it's not that at all.

There is a growing number of people calling themselves Christians who are finding homosexuality to be theologically acceptable. 1 Corinthians 6:9 is explained as an obscure reference to pagan temple prostitution, In Romans 1:27 the emphasis is placed on natural relations, and an appeal is made to modern pseudo-psychology that it's natural for people with a gay 'orientation' to be gay. All the Old testament is abrogated - we eat prawns now don't we? And it goes on.

Genesis 1 and 2 is a clear corrective of this trend of misinterpretation and theological conniving.

When the conservative quotes Leviticus, or Corinthians, or Romans, he is accused of proof texting. Picking the verses that suit him. Yet Genesis 1 and 2 show that these texts are embedded within a cohesive Biblical framework of heterosexual male-femaleness of creation.

Let's read it again.

So God created man in his own image
In the image of God he created him,
Male and female he created them.

It is significant that it is male and female. This is a pattern of the created order. Adam and Eve is not just an incidental particular, it is a pattern of humanity.

It is not Adam, Steve, Charli and Lola.

it is not "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender he created them."

Throughout the Bible from front to back, cover to cover, homosexuality is shown to be a dysfunction and a sin. It is this because it is a deviation from the created blessing of male femaleness and heterosexual faithful relationship.

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