Monday, August 18, 2008

#16: Sincere Love (Romans 12:9)

They say, "Where is the love? How can these conservative Christians be so unloving? Where is the love of Jesus in their harsh words?"

How do you love?

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:9

Did you notice that? Love does not contrast with hate. The Bible exhorts us to love and hate and cling, all in the same verse. But we are specifically told what we are to hate.

Hate evil.
Cling to Good.

It is not the conservatives who do not love. In fact, it is the libertines who cannot love. If you hate good and cling to what is evil, you cannot love.

But hating evil, calling it what it is, clinging to good and exhorting others to the same, that is when you are able to express true brotherly love.

If you hate Narcan (for example), but cling to Heroin, how can you love the addict?

If you hate heroin, and cling to Narcan, then you can love the addict.

If you hate homosexuality, and stick to faithfulness and chastity, then you can love the homosexual.

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